Wednesday, December 31, 2014


My good people,
I salute and rejoice with you as we celebrate the dawn of a new year that holds the promise of prosperity and endless possibilities for us.
I join you in appreciating, most heartily, our Most High God for His benevolence towards all of us.
It has become a tradition for us as individuals, groups, organisations and government to take stock of the outgone year and make resolutions as well as set agenda to guide our actions in the new one. This year will not be different.
But first, I appreciate most sincerely the immense support and cooperation that I enjoyed from you before, during and after the local government elections that brought me to office as the Chairman of Isoko South Local Government a little over two months ago.
I can't but earnestly ask for more of your collective support in our quest to enthrone an era of endless possibilities in this great local government.
Although, many are wont to argue that two months is too short a period to asses the performance of a government, I am happy to say that we have started on a strong footing.
Since assumption of office two months ago, even in the midst of acute and frightened paucity of funds, we have taken some bold steps in critical areas of governance and development. We have re-awakened staff morale and attitude to work by engaging every department of the local government in the course of administration.
We are currently on a total remodeling of our office complexes to further boost staff morale thereby increasing their efficiency and productivity. The Chairman's official lodge and its access road, which before now were in terrible state, are also receiving serious attention.
We have activated a robust stakeholder-government interface to ensure full participation of the people in the planning, implementation and monitoring of our administration's policies and programmes on security, environmental sanitation, agriculture, primary health care, education and revenue generation.
In this regard, we have held and will continue to hold extensive interactive sessions with our respected Traditional Rulers and community leaders.
As you are all aware, environmental sanitation is a key policy drive of this administration and we have matched policy with action by clearing all unapproved dump sites in the locality within the first two weeks of our coming on board. Henceforth, it will be zero tolerance for indiscriminate dumping of wastes.
On security, we are laying the foundation for a robust relationship with the Nigeria Police and other security agencies to ensure maintenance of law and order in our land.
My dear people, a clear indication of my administration's vision in the next three years is given in my manifesto on the partial basis of which you elected me. As we march boldly through 2015 with great expectations, I reassure you of our resolve as an administration to translate our policies and programmes from the realm of vision to reality.
The greater good for the greater number of our people will be the underlying factor of our policies as a government. Equity, justice and fairness will guild and direct all of our actions.
In line with the multi-sectoral nature of our vision and the strategies we have adopted for achieving it, every sector of our economy will receive attention in 2015.
Within the ambience of peace and stability made possible by your unflinching support, I am emboldened and confident that we will uplift the fortunes of our people and set our local government on the path of tremendous growth and development to the glory of God. Yes, it is possible and together we will do it.
I won't end this message without reminding us of the enormous task ahead of us in the forthcoming general elections. Soon, an expectant nation will call on us all to hit the polls and elect our next set of leaders at the state and national levels.
I humbly appeal to all of us to actively participate and vote for candidates of our great party, the PDP, to ensure effective synergy towards the actualisation of our mandate.
To the Leader and every member of the Legislative Arm; the Secretary to the Local Government; the Head of Personnel Management, and all other staff of Local Government, I say a big thank you for your immense support and dedication to the course of realising an Isoko South of our collective dream.
My cherished brothers and sisters, I again wholeheartedly thank you for your steadfast support. Let's please remain resolute and prayerful. I assure you of my unalloyed commitment and dedication.
To our kith and kin who came home from far to celebrate Christmas and the New Year with us, while I wish you fun-filled celebrations, and God's protection back to your various destinations, I appeal to you to always think home and to take advantage of the endless investment opportunities in our local government.
I wish you a happy and prosperous New Year.
God bless us all.
Sir (Hon) Itiako Constantine Ikpokpo, KSM.
Chairman, Isoko South Local Government.

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