Saturday, October 25, 2014

Delta Diaspora Direct

Delta Diaspora Direct (D3) is a Delta State Government programme aimed at linking Delta Diasporan expertise with home-based talent for the accelerated development of the state.

For Deltans in Diaspora to support Governor Uduaghan's effort at socio-economic transformation of the State.
Delta Diaspora Direct (D3) is a Delta State Government sponsored initiative aimed at linking Delta Diasporan expertise with home-based talent for the accelerated development of the state. Delta State Diasporans have long yearned to make a contribution to the government’s effort at socio-economic transformation of the State. The D3 Initiative provides a definitive platform for mobilising the technical expertise, the financial resources and the web of contacts that Delta Diasporans can bring to support the development of their state. The initial areas of focus --that is the areas where the contribution of Delta Diasporans will be immediately sought -- are the Governor’s three-point programme of peace/security, human capital development and infrastructural development as well as the Agricultural, Medical care and Environmental Protection sectors. The D3 Initiative was cited as contributing to the rejuvenation of the health sector in the THISDAY (newspaper) Award given to the Governor, on January 14, 2009 in recognition of his work in improving healthcare delivery in Delta State.

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