Sunday, October 19, 2014



Francis Akenami

I heard two bitter truths recently which I tried to review publicly, but have always decided against for fear of misinterpretation. They came up through two unrelated incidents. I would like to issue the disclaimer that they are not my personal positions in life.

I went to a barber’s shop to clean up my hair. There was only one client with the barber as it was a weekday afternoon and I took a vacation day from work. As I was waiting for my turn a call came in. An old friend had contacted me that he wanted to offer me a contract to buy and execute in Nigeria. Considering the amount of money involved was high, I told him I would speak to a friend in Nigeria who may be interested. The call was from the contact that offered me the contract. I asked him to give me some time that I needed to do some due diligence before I contacted my friend. I told him my friend takes my word seriously and that my recommendation about the credibility or otherwise of the source of contract will be one of the reasons he will be interested. I also mentioned that the percentage of the total sum of contract at which it was being sold was too high as I must protect my friend.

When it was my turn, the first client was done and walked away briskly. Only the barber and I were left. The barber then quietly said to me, “sir, I listened a little to your conversation. I have a good knowledge of investments as I have worked as an investment broker earlier.” He continued, “if you tell me about your contract, I may be able to advice you.” Since he didn’t know me or even what I was discussing I decided to tell him. The middle-aged barber then told me that I sounded so much like a Pastor. In his words: “you can only be in business to make money. You should be more interested in your commission in that business instead of moralizing. He said I should present the offer to my friend and allow him do the due diligence”. Hmmmm. Is this really true?

The second truth seemed to have dawned on me when someone suggested in a recent facebook post that in politics you must be “ready to step on toes, break promises and outfox others in order to succeed. Afterall, its survival of the fittest”. Is this also true?

The above two unrelated incidents taken together break all ethics of moral integrity and seem to be global phenomena. Could this be the reason the highly cerebral and respected Pa. Awolowo never made the Presidency?

Follow me on twitter: @akenamif

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