Saturday, October 11, 2014

Welcome To My Blog

In 2009, I started a blog on word press dot com. That blog was dedicated to Delta Diaspora Direct (D3). I have a knack for sharing information ranging from socials, tourism, business, political to medical. Since then, my activities on facebook have taken over the better part of my online activities.

Sharing ideas that are informational in nature in one platform may require a blog. How better to bring information about investment, tourism, creative arts, political activism and medicine to my friends and the general public? Finding one's call involves making efforts revolving round things one actually enjoy doing.

Please join me in this voyage as I stumble along......

Kind regards,
Francis Akenami @ October, 2014


  1. Francis, congratulations ! This is no doubt a giant stride. I see this blog getting to the top in no distant time!

  2. Thank you very much sir. Your support is highly appreciated. I have a vision to actualize here...create some job opportunities with time. Happy reading sir!
