Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Gilead Says Third-Quarter Sales Of Hepatitis C Medicine Fell 20 Percent.

The Wall Street Journal (10/28, Stynes, Rockoff, Subscription Publication) reports Gilead Sciences Inc. disclosed its third-quarter revenue from its costly hepatitis C treatment Sovaldi (sofosbuvir) dipped 20 percent from the second-quarter period, as physicians awaited the entry of another hepatitis C medicine Harvoni (ledipasvir and sofosbuvir).
        Providing additional details of the company’s third-quarter earnings, Bloomberg News (10/28, Chen) reports that although Gilead’s third-quarter earnings missed analysts’ estimates, “after paying a fee to U.S. from Obamacare and reporting lower-than-projected revenue” for Sovaldi, its profit more than tripled to $2.73 billion. Revenue from Sovaldi totaled $2.8 billion in the third quarter,” less than the $2.96 billion average of 14 analysts’ estimates compiled by Bloomberg.” Overall, its revenue for the quarter “more than doubled to $6.04 billion from a year earlier, making it the world’s biggest biotechnology company,” the piece adds.
        Modern Healthcare (10/28, Subscription Publication) also covers the news.

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