Thursday, October 16, 2014

About me

Francis Akenami is a medical scientist, pharmaceutical professional, investment promoter for developing economies, a writer and a social advocate. Francis is keenly interested in working independently as well as with people of like minds towards producing the much needed investments across varying sectors that will drive the futuristic African Economy. A major area of agreement between the opposition and mainstream is that every African needs to be positively impacted by the dividends of democracy. Africa as a developing continent has limited resources which must be carefully managed to make a difference in the lives of the electorate. At every point in time, the continent needs a team that is passionate about bringing development to her people. A team that makes development of the continent its fundamental objective. With passion and the burning desire to make a difference, everything can surely fall in place. ‘Africa is where it all comes together.’

Francis received his Doctorate degree in Neuropathology/Clinical Chemistry from the University of Helsinki, Finland and completed his post-doctoral fellowships at the prestigious Rockefeller University, New York and the equally prestigious Weill Medical College of Cornell University, New York. Thereafter, Francis worked variously as a Medical Scientist, Medical Writer, Publications Manager and rising to the rank of an Associate Medical Director in the Pharmaceutical Industry in several Companies including Novartis Pharmaceuticals, Wyeth Pharmaceuticals, Cardinal Healthcare and Thompson Healthcare in the United States of America. Francis has a combined Medical Science experience of over 20 years both as a University Medical Scientist/Researcher, Adjunct Professor and in the Pharmaceutical Industry, Consulting, conducting research, writing and editing peer-reviewed manuscripts, drug monographs, publication summaries, grants, newsletters, conference reports, regulatory documents, training programs, brochures and case studies. Background includes both brand name and generic pharmaceuticals and medical software and devices; content for hard copy, multimedia, and the internet.

In 2008, Francis was called upon by the Government of his home State (Delta State, Nigeria) to help coordinate an Initiative: Delta Diaspora Direct (D3). Working in collaboration with Ambassador Eloho Otobo of the United Nations, New York, and the then Commissioner for Information, Mr. Oma Djebah, he developed all documents and programmes necessary for the approval of the D3 Initiative by the Delta State Executive Council. D3 was created by Governor Uduaghan in consonance with his administration’s 3-point programme. Inter alia, the programme was set-up to drive government’s efforts on political and economic fronts by tapping the expertise, talents, financial resources and the web of contacts of Deltans abroad towards the rapid socio-economic transformation of the State. Thereby supporting the bold moves and vision of transforming Delta State from a mono-dependent oil economy to a diversified economy, focused on the rapid development of agriculture, large scale industries, Small and Medium Enterprises (SME’s) and private sector partnership. Francis coordinated the D3 programme for approximately two years culminating in the launching of D3 by Governor Uduaghan in New York, USA, September, 2009 and Geneva, Switzerland, April, 2010. In addition, Ambassador Eloho Otobo (USA) led a delegation of D3 professionals including Professor Duke Ophori (USA), Professor Oghenekome Onokpise (USA), Dr. Joseph Okpaku (USA), Dr. Isioma Okobah (USA), Dr. Francis Akenami (USA) and Dr. Anthony Okonkwo (France) to meet with the government of Delta State, May, 2010. A completed report of the visit was well documented and circulated. The professional delegates continue to serve as resource persons in their various fields, to the State when needed. In his role as the Coordinator, Francis developed and maintained a database of over 3000 Deltan diasporan professionals, Investors and business people and received proposals from diasporan professionals and regularly sought for Investors for the State.

In March 2010, Francis joined the Delta State Integrated Development Programme as a Special Projects Director, serving under its Chairman, Gary Bire. In that capacity, Francis worked on developing documents in preparation for securing license for the Delta State Independent Power Project (IPP). Delta state needs to generate at least 300 megawatts of electricity to sustain its growth and development. The realization of that target we typically defined as the Uduaghan legacy; which will include but not limited to the provision of constant and viable electricity for the state as we embark on wooing investors, satisfying the general public, and meeting the demands of high energy consumption that will follow the rapid spate of industrialization resulting from the completion of the Asaba international Airport. We believe that privatization of electricity generation alone cannot solve the problem. We need to look at commercialization of the Distribution Elements as well. Francis also worked to clarify and develop documents for the strategic development masterplan of Delta State. A masterplan is a very relevant document for any well organized society as obtains in the Western World. The Delta State Integrated Development Programme is at the heart of planning and producing unequalled state wide masterplan for the growth and development of Delta State and is centred around a massive infrastructural development which is anchored on Road, Railway, Waterways, Energy, Information & Communication Technology (ICT), Hospitality and Tourism developments. The state is moving to the next level of making us the Canaan of today and tomorrow.

However, simultaneously, since December 2010, Francis was graciously asked to work quietly on another state assignment. His brief was to join a small team and help with developing documents for a proposed Delta State Investment Promotion Agency: the Delta State One Stop Shop for Investors (DSOSSI). The centre was officially unveiled by His Excellency, Governor of Delta State, Dr. Emmanuel Eweta Uduaghan during the 2nd South-South Economic Summit in Asaba on April 26, 2012. The Centre was established by the Delta State Government to match the growing interest of Investors in our economy. The establishment of the Centre is a major public sector reform initiative based on investment facilitation mechanism, where relevant government Agencies and Ministries are brought to one location, coordinated and streamlined to provide efficient and transparent services to Investors. This is achieved by re-engineering Agencies’ processes, procedures and requirements for granting business entry permits, licenses and authorizations, making them simpler, shorter, transparent and responsive to the needs of the Investors.

The objectives of the Centre (DSOSSI) include the following:
• To simplify procedural steps for obtaining business permits, licenses and approvals.
• To shorten service delivery time without undermining the policy objectives of the participating Agencies/Ministries.
• To facilitate expatriate quota
• To provide Investment Information and Advice to Investors promptly
• To fast-track public sector reform that will result in more attractive business environment.
• To maintain close and professional working relationship among government Agencies/Ministries in support of investors.
• All of the above substantially reduce the cost of doing business in Delta State.
Follow me on twitter: @akenamif

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